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Epic Games Responds to Alleged Hack: Investigating Claims, “Zero Evidence” Found

Epic Games Responds to Alleged Hack: Investigating Claims, Zero Evidence Found

Unfounded Accusations?

Epic Games, the renowned developer behind games like Fortnite and Unreal Engine, has recently addressed claims of a data breach by a group calling itself Mogilevich. This group made bold pronouncements of having stolen a staggering 189 GB of sensitive user data, including source code and personal information, and threatened to sell it on the dark web. However, in a swift response, Epic Games has firmly disputed these claims, stating that “there is currently zero evidence that these claims are legitimate.”

Lack of Contact Raises Doubts

Epic further emphasized their stance by highlighting the complete lack of communication from the alleged perpetrators. The company revealed that Mogilevich has not attempted to contact them to validate their claims or even responded to any inquiries initiated by Epic Games. This conspicuous absence of interaction significantly undermines the credibility of the alleged breach.

Investigation Underway, but No Confirmed Security Breaches

While Epic Games takes these accusations seriously and is actively conducting an investigation, they have yet to uncover any evidence of a successful intrusion or compromised user data. The company urges its users to remain vigilant and exercise caution regarding online safety practices, as they always should.

Emphasis on Unconfirmed Allegations and Need for Official Updates

It is crucial to emphasize that these are strictly allegations at this point in time. The situation remains fluid, and further developments might emerge. Epic Games advises its user base to rely on official channels, such as their website or social media platforms, for any updates or clarifications regarding this matter.

Caution and Awareness Remain Key

While the legitimacy of the alleged hack remains unproven, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present need for cybersecurity vigilance. Users should prioritize strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and cautious engagement with unknown online entities to protect their personal information.

Staying Informed and Taking Precautions

By following official channels for verified information and consistently practicing sound online security measures, users can significantly mitigate the risk of falling victim to potential malicious actors. As the investigation into these claims progresses, we can expect further updates from Epic Games, allowing users to make informed decisions about their online security posture.

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